Mar 22, 2010

MOS Burger

Before coming out here, I kept hearing about MOS Burger, but never in the context of YOU HAVE TO TRY IT. It wasn't until I found out they served a peanut butter breakfast sandwich with lettuce, egg, and sliced ham, did they jump on the to-do list.

They stop serving breakfast after 10:30 am. The clock said 9:45, perfect. I walked in, asked to see a menu and they handed me a laminated sheet with pictures and descriptions in english. #7 Found it. I pointed. The woman replied, "Mei you". I officially had my first Mandarin lesson. I frowned, hopped on my bike and headed for another Mos Burger down the street.

Score! I forked over the cash and popped a squat on the nearest bench. I unwrapped and examined the sandwich. I wasn't sure of what to expect, but I was excited. How could you possibly go wrong with peanut butter?

MMMmm.. Mos Burger PB breakfast sandwiches. Not too sweet, salty, gooey or crunchy. I can't wait to share this combination with the rest of the world. No wonder their motto is "Making people happy through food."

Check out their Main Menu

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