Jan 18, 2010

Happy Birthday MLK

It is a rainy Monday afternoon and what better way to enjoy the day than to check out a few bakeries in the city. My first stop - Paulette Macarons. I've seen a number of macaron recipes online and have been dying to test them out. However, I thought it would be a good idea to try a 'real' macaron before undertaking such tasks.

Hmm.. macarons are interesting to say the least. We sampled the earl grey and New Orleans praline first. I'm not really sure what to compare these to - they are distinctly flavored and uniquely designed. I bought a half a dozen for $10.50. Eek. A great novelty gift idea for sure, but personally I would have much rather bought a chunky, chewy cookie paired with a glass of milk.

*from left to right: Madagascar vanilla, Caribbean chocolate, violet cassis and caramel pecan

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