May 30, 2010

Sunshine, Bikes and Fresh Pupusas

Saturday night was crazy to say the least. It ended with us watching a confrontation between two egotistical maniacs outside of a bar. A few paces later, gunfire, then gasps and "OH my god!", and finally sirens. We locked up our bikes and hauled ass home.

It is now Sunday morning. We woke up recapping all the events from the night before. Although most of it was a blur, we remembered ditching our bikes somewhere. Half awake we rolled out of bed and walked down to the Mission. We stopped in a few shops picking up freshly squeezed orange juice and a pumpkin muffin. The sun was shining and the closer we got to Mission Street, the clearer the blaring music became. Carnival! Ethnically dressed dance teams, half-naked women, men on stilts, parade floats and capoeira groups were so colorful and energetic. It was hard to believe this was the same street from last night.

We turned down 16th and found a woman freshly preparing pupusas outside of the El Salavadorean restaraunt next to Skylark. We sat curbside, in a shaded alley across the street scarfing down this traditional Salvadorian dish. I couldn't be happier.

We eventually found our bikes and Mimi's seat was stolen.


I still love San Francisco.

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