Jun 13, 2010

World Cup slash Bacon Day

Unlike the rest of the world, I am pretty indifferent about the World Cup. But that does not mean, that I won't be interested in spending some quality time with two inspiring friends - Karen and Rebecca. I worked with them previously at a commercial real estate firm in downtown San Francisco. In the last year, these two have launched their own business Red Plume Marketing. You go girls!

Like all other catch-up sessions, I bake. I have been dying to try Gourmet's Peanut Butter Bacon Cookies via Joy the Baker, and now I had the perfect excuse.

This recipe yields about 15 cookies

- 1 cup all-natural chunky or smooth peanut butter
- 1 cup sugar (1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/2 cup granulated sugar)
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- about 6 slices of bacon, cooked, cooled and diced

1) In a skillet over medium high heat, fry up bacon until cooked through and let cool on paper towels until cool enough to dice. Dice up and set aside.
2) Preheat over to 350 degrees F
3) In a mixer combine peanut butter and sugars until well combined, about 2 minutes
4) Add egg and baking soda and mix for another 2 minutes (I added a tspn of vanilla)
5) Fold in cooked bacon
6) Roll into large walnut sized balls and create a cris-cross pattern with a fork (or roll in granulated sugar before making the cris-cross pattern)
7) Bake for 10 minutes, until lightly browned
8) Cool on a baking sheet for five minutes

Bacon must have been on everyone's minds that day. There were bacon crisps and maple glazed bacon apple doughnuts from Dynamo (but we ate them all before I could take a picture). As for the game, it was a draw 1-1. Sorry Rebecca..

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hey, Gwoeyn,

Thanks for the shout out! It was so good to see you. I am still dreaming about your bacon-PC cookies.

Talk soon,